Back-to-School Vaccination Preparedness

Back-to-School Vaccination Preparedness

Date: July 15, 2024

As summer comes to a close, families are gearing up to send their children back to school. Immunizations are a critical part of back-to-school preparations (right up there with picking up lunch boxes and sharpening pencils). While it can be confusing trying to navigate the national guidelines and state requirements surrounding immunizations, Via Care’s providers are proud to serve as a resource to our patients, helping them understand and manage their children’s immunizations.

Whether your child is entering kindergarten or middle school, it’s important to stay up to date with local immunization requirements. California schools require a range of immunizations for entry, outlined in a publication by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), a document available in both English and Spanish.

To satisfy these requirements, parents must present a record of their child’s immunizations to their schools. Parents that have paper copies of immunizations can use those. However, there are also digital records easily accessible on the CDPH website. With just the child’s name and birth date, parents can retrieve a list of their child’s full immunization history as it has been recorded online. If the child is missing any of their required immunizations, parents can schedule a visit with their primary care provider to receive any missing immunizations. Children’s vaccines are available at all Via Care clinics and our providers are happy to help our community prepare for the upcoming school year.

Beyond school requirements, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers national immunization recommendations from birth until age 18. All are designed to support the individual and collective safety of our communities, and almost all of the vaccines outlined by the CDC are available at Via Care. This includes changing vaccines such as Influenza/Flu and Covid-19, as well as other longstanding immunizations such as Chickenpox and Polio.

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