Via Care’s Enhanced Case Management program is here to offer a helping hand to Medi-Cal patients facing complicated medical needs. We understand that health is about managing the whole picture – from scheduling and advocating for your needs to connecting you with crucial external resources, all while you navigate life’s other hurdles. Your dedicated case manager will be your partner, providing a source of support to help you balance your health with stressors such as the challenges of housing insecurity, substance use disorders and others.
Care Management
Via Care coordinates your care across medical, behavioral, dental, developmental, and social services.
Care Coordination
Case managers develop individualized case plans with a multidisciplinary team covering medical, mental, oral health, substance use disorders, palliative care, trauma-informed care, and social supports.
Health Promotion
We offer education on healthy lifestyle choices and teach you how to effectively manage chronic diseases. We also help you to develop the skills to independently identify and access resources for chronic disease care and prevention.
Individual and Family Support Services
We help you identify support systems, educate family members and care providers about chronic conditions, evaluate needs, and determine how care teams can work together to improve your health.
Community and Social Supports
We connect you to housing, transition, and tenancy support services. You also receive information about local food and nutrition programs, childcare, and more.
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The inclusion of hyperlinks to external sites does not constitute endorsement by Via Care Community Health Center of the linked website or the information, products, or services contained therein.
Via Care Community Health Center accepts all patients regardless of insurance or financial status. Via Care offers a sliding fee discount schedule to all patients for all of our services. We also accept the following forms of insurance: Medi-Cal, Medicare, Covered CA, Family PACT, and Private Insurance.
Via Care Community Health Center provides services without the imposition of any durational residency requirement or requirement that the patient be referred by a physician.
Via Care is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n) for purposes of medical malpractice claims and, as such, qualified for protection under the Federal Tort Claims Act.